Bold Stamps In One Year: Prince Ezeh felicitates with Gov Mbah

The Enugu State Commissioner for Innovation, Science and Technology, Engr Prince Lawrence Ezeh FNSE, Ph.D, felicitates with the State Governor, His Excellency Peter Mbah’s on his unprecedented achievements within one year in the office.

The commissioner said there has been nothing tentative about Mbah’s one year in office, stating that the defined characteristics of his administration have been his appetite for good leadership and the breadth of his ambitions and determination is to pass his programs to the 260 wards across Enugu State.

In his one year congratulatory message to the Governor, the Commissioner said, “The establishment of these innovative institutions, such as the Smart Green Schools and Primary Health Centres across 260 wards of Enugu State, the construction of hundreds of kilometres of roads across the State, the provision of water in more than sufficient quantities, creating a more secured state where quality living and businesses thrive, all mark a new era of disruptive stewardship for ndi Enugu.,z

“These projects will undoubtedly serve as beacons of progress and inspiring future for generation to come.”

The good feelings that surrounded Mbah in the 12 months after Inauguration Day have not faded, as clear insights into his leader’s temperament, governing style and political philosophy provide a guide to the future. He has been rewarded with high ratings that exceed those of his predecessors.

For many, his promise of Disruptive Governance, which echoed so powerfully during his campaign, has become more powerfully visible, feel-able and touchable.