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World News

Time Africa Magazine

Is America ready for President Kamala Harris?

President Joe Biden is now out — but that doesn’t guarantee Vice President Kamala Harris is in.

The Biden Dilemma | By Philip Elliott

Joe Biden slipped into St. Edmond Catholic Church near Delaware’s Rehoboth Beach boardwalk just as Saturday-­evening services

Envisioning Africa’s Economic Prospects | Keynote delivered by Dr. Akinwumi A. Adesina

Keynote Delivered by Dr. Akinwumi A. Adesina, President and Chairman of the Boards of Directors, African Development Bank Group, Chatham ...

Serena Williams: Trying To Find Her New Normal In Retirement

The Conversation With Serena Williams: Trying To Find Her New Normal In Retirement

A lot of people reach middle age having achieved some career success and ask themselves: Well, now what? Apparently this ...

The Legacy Man and his baby steps

One year after being in the saddle, President Bola Ahmed Tinubu will be first person to admit that the ride ...