Man brutally murdered his 10-month-old stepson, sentenced to life in prison

Mother found guilty of causing son’s death of

Jacob Crouch, the 10-month-old victim of the brutal assault by Craig Crouch.

A man who brutally murdered his 10-month-old stepson, Jacob Crouch, has been sentenced to life in prison with a minimum term of 28 years.

Jacob suffered from severe abuse in the months leading up to his death, with the final fatal attack perpetrated by Craig Crouch, his stepfather. Jacob’s mother, Gemma Barton, was found guilty of causing or allowing the death of a child but was cleared of murder. Both Crouch and Barton received their sentences at Derby Crown Court.

The presiding judge, Mr Justice Kerr, condemned Crouch for causing “intense and prolonged harm” to Jacob. The innocent child endured multiple assaults, including fractured ribs, before the fatal blow to his abdomen, which resulted in a tear to his bowel and ultimately led to peritonitis. The judge highlighted Crouch’s lack of remorse and described him as “domineering, aggressive, boastful, and arrogant.”

Jacob Crouch and Gemma Barton

Barton, who had also been a victim of Crouch’s coercive and controlling behavior, received a 10-year prison sentence. The judge acknowledged Barton’s history of mental health problems, including depression, which might have made her more susceptible to manipulation and coercion. The trial revealed text messages illustrating Crouch’s influence over her.

During the trial, prosecutor Mary Prior KC presented shocking evidence of Jacob’s extensive injuries, including 39 fractured ribs, with 22 occurring in the week of his death. Jacob also had significant bruising on various parts of his body. Dr. Michael Biggs, a forensic pathologist, testified that such injuries are typically seen in car crash victims or those who suffered multi-storey falls.

The court heard that Jacob died alone in his cot on December 30, 2020, after enduring a “living hell” in his home in Linton, Derbyshire. Barton met Crouch when she was four months pregnant with Jacob, and they quickly became close. Despite not being Jacob’s biological father, Crouch was named as his father on the birth certificate.

Mr. Justice Kerr considered Barton’s mental health issues and how they might have contributed to her compliance with Crouch’s abusive behavior. The court noted that Crouch exerted coercive and controlling behavior over Barton, as evident from the text messages presented during the trial.

The prosecution revealed that Jacob had been assaulted regularly since the age of just four months. The final fatal assault could have been survivable had either defendant sought medical help sooner. Instead, they called 999 when they found Jacob unresponsive, but the evidence suggested that he had been dead for a considerable time before the paramedics arrived.

In addition to the murder conviction, Crouch was found guilty of three counts of child cruelty, while Barton was found guilty of one count of child cruelty and causing or allowing the death of a child. However, Barton was cleared of two counts of child cruelty and manslaughter.

Following the sentencing, Detective Inspector Paul Bullock of Derbyshire Police expressed hope that the sentence would bring some closure to Jacob’s family, who had endured a horrific two-and-a-half years. He commended the family for their dignified conduct throughout the trial and extended his condolences to them.