Ogbako Ndigbo congratulates Birmingham University’s first black, Igbo-born Vice-Chancellor Prof David Mba

'Congratulations, great son of Igbo land; we never doubted your greatness'

Prof David Mba

Igbo diaspora-based group, Ogbako Ndigbo UK has congratulated Prof David Mba on his appointment as the new Vice Chancellor of Birmingham City University, United Kingdom.

“We never doubted your greatness,” the group said in a letter of congratulations signed by the President, Dr.Jude Eze; Vice President; Dr. Daisy Nwaozuzu and the Secretary General Barrister Kenneth Udeoka, adding, that appointment was timely at a period of significant ambitions within the higher education sector in the UK and Birmingham City University with its talented and diverse community, as a powerful civic University.

The goodwill will message sent to Prof Mba, reads:

“Ogbako Ndigbo UK heartily congratulates Professor David Mba, on his appointment as the new Vice Chancellor of Birmingham City University, United Kingdom.

“Your appointment was timely at a period of significant ambitions within the higher education sector in the UK and Birmingham City University with its talented and diverse community, as a powerful civic University. Your pledge and priority to “put the student experience at the centre of ambitious plans for 2030 and beyond” is commendable and a welcome development which is worthy of emulation in the institute of learning within Nigeria and Africa. We are totally in support with your priority on unleashing the potential of our students, ensuring a consistent focus on their experience, alongside recognising, celebrating, and further developing the talent of your staff at Birmingham City University. This is a step in the right direction which meets the needs of the regional and national economy.

“Ogbako Ndigbo UK has continually followed your journey as the then Deputy Vice Chancellor from the University of the Arts London (UAL), where you excelled in Research, Knowledge Exchange and Enterprise to your current position. Your unwavering competence in learning and administration has never been in doubt, and so your appointment/elevation did not come as a surprise.

“We believe that you will use your wealth of experience in leadership, learning and engineering in providing a powerful base which would partner with universities in other countries like Nigeria to accelerate global learning this century and beyond. We offer our hand in partnership to assist in making this a reality. Congratulations once again – great son of Igbo land.”

TIME AFRICA reported that  at his appointment as the new Vice-Chancellor of Birmingham City University, Prof. David Mba pledged to put the student experience at the centre of ambitious plans for 2030 and beyond.

Joining BCU from the University of the Arts London (UAL), where he is Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Research, Knowledge Exchange and Enterprise, Professor Mba took up the new role on 1 October, replacing Professor Philip Plowden who is retiring after six years at the helm.

Commenting on his appointment, Prof Mba said: “I am incredibly excited by the opportunity to take on the leadership of BCU at a pivotal moment for the University, as we begin work to define – and then deliver – our significant ambitions for the next decade. BCU has grown hugely in recent years, in a city which itself has been transformed, providing a powerful base from which we can accelerate towards 2030.

“My priority will be to ensure that everything we do focuses on unleashing the potential of our students, ensuring a consistent focus on their experience, alongside recognising, celebrating and further developing the talent of our staff. By getting that right, we will also meet the needs of the regional and national economy, something that BCU – as a powerful civic University – is uniquely placed to deliver.”