Patients in Gabon hospitals groan as debt forces catering providers to boycott food supply

Libreville, Gabon – Like other health structures in the country, the University Hospital Center of Libreville (CHUL) would be unable to provide food to patients interned in its walls. And this, after accumulating debts to the service provider in charge of catering for the sick, the latter decided to break the contract which bound him with these public health structures.

Just like the Owendo University Hospital Center (CHUO) which has stopped providing free meals to patients interned in these premises, the Libreville University Hospital Center (CHUL) is also following suit. Due to the lack of unpaid invoices, the supplier of food rations to patients has decided to put an end to its service at the University Hospital Center of Libreville (CHUL) as well.

A deplorable situation for the users who are condemned to eat outside the hospital and this, for a sum of money. Eager to have more information, our editorial staff spoke with a source from the administration contacted by telephone, the latter admitted that “the relationship of trust between CHUL and almost all of its partners and suppliers is deteriorating. The supplier in charge of the catering has broken its contract which bound it to the CHUL until further notice , ”underlined our source.

A difficult pill to swallow even though a budget of “ 4 billion FCFA is voted each year for the operation of the University Hospital Center of Libreville (CHUL)” indicates a source. However ” it is about 200 million FCFA out of the 4 billion that are disbursed for the needs of the first hospital in the country,” added the source . where cancers are left behind. And this, due to the fact that the State would once again be unable to settle its debts with a service provider.

By Pierre Essono