Real Madrid Takes 15th Champions League Cup to Church

MADRID — Real Madrid went to the Cathedral of Our Lady of Almudena, to offer the Patroness of the Spanish capital, the 15th Champions League, which it won on Saturday night in London, against Borussia Dortmund.

Cardinal José Cobo, Archbishop of Madrid, received — in the Cathedral of Almudena — the Real Madrid Football Club, which had just returned from London, after winning the Champions League. In a Cathedral crowded with people, the Cardinal underscored that the whole Church “that walks in Madrid, wants to thank you wholeheartedly for this Cup , and for what it means for you and for our city.”

“Congratulations for your effort and for the work of all the team, the technicians and the whole Club. Sport is a means to express one’s talents, but also to build the society. In fact, sport teaches us the value of brotherhood, because, in the field, the origin, language or culture of a person doesn’t matter. What matters is the commitment and common objective,” said the Archbishop of Madrid.

Cardinal Cobo stressed to all Real Madrid’s players, that “to be champions is a privilege, won effort by effort, but it’s also a personal and social responsibility as you see.” From Madrid’s Church “we now place ourselves with much affection under the mantle and gaze of the Virgin of Almudena, Patroness of this Madrid that you carry in the heart. She takes care and, as a good Mother, intercedes for her children, believers and non-believers. From here, she always blesses and receives the prayers and hopes of all those that look at her and those that seek in depth the profound meaning of life.”

“I don’t know of what team Jesus would be, the Son of Mary, He whom she shows us in her arms. But undoubtedly Jesus also wants to make Himself present and be grateful for this Cup. He helps us to recognize what is truly important of life and of things.” Finally, the Archbishop of Madrid stressed that “Mary receives this Cup and makes it a blessing for all, your families, for the Real Madrid supporters and for all those that value good sport, which helps to make a better world, without wars and violence, with team work and effort. Through your discipline and commitment, you have achieved a great goal. And this implies a crucial message of hope, especially for young people.”

“At the end of his address, Cardinal Cobo asked the whole team to continue doing “good football for all, may the Virgin protect, bless and take care of you to be a blessing of hope and love for all. Thank you for playing thus.”