U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit concluded with bonhomie, $55 billion U.S. commitments

Washington: U.S. President Joe Biden capped a summit of 50 African leaders by stressing his administration’s deep commitment to Africa, urging the continent’s leaders to respect the will of their people, and saying he may come visit.

The U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit concluded Thursday with bonhomie, $55 billion in U.S. commitments, and this from Biden:

“As I told some of you — you invited me to your countries,” he said. “I said, “Be careful what you wish for because I may show up. The poor relatives always show up. The wealthy ones never show up. The poor come and they eat your food and stay longer than they should. Well, I’m looking forward to seeing many of you in your home countries.”

He did not give details of the possible trip.

Biden said he is eager to visit the continent while also calling for the African Union to become a permanent member of the G-20.

He pledged his administration will provide an additional $2 billion in urgently needed humanitarian assistance to address food insecurity in Africa.

Biden said the food assistance “is going to help ensure that children and families don’t have to go to bed hungry.”

The three-day summit ended Thursday, hosting 49 African leaders in the US capital. Issues concerning the African continent were discussed in both public sessions and bilateral meetings.

The leaders spoke on a variety of topics, including food security, sustainable development, trade and energy.

He disclosed U.S. plans to deliver $55 billion in assistance to a continent struggling with food insecurity, inequality and a painful legacy of colonialism.

The summit came as the Biden administration aims to increase its influence in the region amid increasing competition from China and Russia.

But the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations said that a presidential trip would have a big impact.

“This will be an opportunity for the people of Africa — whatever countries, if the president decides to make such a visit — that they will actually see our commitment to them,” said Linda Thomas-Greenfield, who spoke on the sidelines of the summit.

These grand gestures and big promises contrast with the quieter diplomacy happening at this summit, which included pull-asides between Secretary of State Antony Blinken and the leaders of Ethiopia and Congo — both countries with active conflicts. In talks with Ethiopia’s prime minister, the U.S. “urged accelerated implementation” of a recent peace agreement and “access to the conflict areas by international human rights monitors,” the State Department said.

Blinken also met with stable West African ally Senegal, whose president is the chairperson of the African Union, and with the president of Southern Africa energy giant Angola.

Analysts say the U.S. is trying to work with a range of African partners — regardless of their track records — on issues where they can find common ground.

“I think what Washington is trying to do is diversify its relationships on the continent and not make them dependent on any one leader or any one group of countries because what we have seen is these countries remain fragile and a strategic partner today could be engulfed in civil war tomorrow,” said Cameron Hudson, an analyst on African peace, security, and governance at the Center for Strategic and International Studies.

Biden also invited the leaders of Congo, Gabon, Liberia, Madagascar, Nigeria and Sierra Leone to a private meeting on Wednesday, where they discussed their upcoming elections during what the White House says is a “critical time for democracy globally.”

Publicly, Biden affirmed support for more African representation at the G-20 and the U.N. Security Council — while also not ignoring leaders’ shortfalls.

“As leaders, our people inspire us,” he said.

“They awaken us to possibilities that are within our grasp. There are so many possibilities if we work together. They tell us hard truths that we need to hear. And sometimes we have trouble listening. They challenge us to live up to the values enshrined in so many of our founding documents and to be worthy of the responsibility given to us by that sacred trust.”

That particular message falls on some old ears. Cameroon’s Paul Biya is 89. Republic of Congo’s Denis Sassou Nguesso is 79, as is Nigeria’s Muhammadu Buhari. Many of these men — and all but one African head of state is male — were born well before their countries gained independence, on a continent where the median age is just 18.

What will they take back to their homelands, other than full pockets and warm memories?