Zimbabwe’s newest opposition party wins majority of seats in by-elections

Zimbabwe’s newest opposition party, the Citizens’ Coalition for Change (CCC) won 19 parliamentary seats out of 28 on the ballot in the by-elections last Saturday, as ruling party Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front (ZANU-PF) took the remaining nine, according to state broadcaster ZBC-TV on Sunday evening.

“Citizens came together and achieved a resounding victory for the movement,” said CCC spokesperson Fadzayi Mahere after the results were announced.

After winning two-thirds of the seats in by-elections held last weekend, Zimbabwean opposition leader Nelson Chamisa is dreaming big. His party secured 19 of the 28 contested parliamentary seats and 75 seats in 122 municipalities. An unexpected success that is making him hopeful for a swift victory for next year’s general elections.

“Yes, we have won a landslide, but that does not move away from the fact that the elections in this country need fundamental reforms, around the voters roll, the credibility of the voters roll, around the issues of making sure results are managed in a better way, polling stations are not subjected to the violence, intimidation that we have seen“, said Nelson Chamisa, leader of Zimbabwean opposition Citizens Coalition for Change party at a news conference on Monday, March 28.

Founded less than three months ago, Chamisa’s party the Citizens’ Coalition for Change has denounced the repression operated by the authorities at campaign rallies attended by large crowds of supporters. Last February, clashes at on of his rallies resulted in one death and 22 injuries.

The ruling Zanu PF, has been in charge since Zimbabwe gained independance from Great Britain in 1980.

Current president Emmerson Mnangagwa came to power in 2017 after Robert Mugabe who ruled the country for 37 years resigned.